Truly letting go to express hurt from the past

Emotional healing from locked up pain,

Allowing the truth to be revealed with no guilt,

Reaching deep into the safe secret place,

Sorrow escaping to freedom log awaited.

BRICK BY BRICK HEALING HIS WAY, is a Healing Devotional & Women’s Emotional Healing Post Abortion Journey Book.


You number my wanderings; Put my tears into Tour bottle; Are they not in your book?” Psalm 56:8

What is inside the chambers of your heart weighing it down? How heavy are you going to allow your �� to get before you hand it over to the Lord? Our struggle seems hopeless, yet the Lord is the one who gives us grace to get through the struggle. He is waiting for you to open your�� and give Him the pain of your past, so He can help you walk a safe journey of healing & hope with Him, finding self worth once again. As you begin to search deep down inside of your heart, to the place which past pain resides, you will feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. He is a Gentleman and will not force your decision to surrender. He wants your whole �� so He can create in you a healed❤. The choice is yours. Your Heavenly Father wants to reconnect with you.

Going to the Lord and unloading your burdens, thoughts, and desires is not only refreshing-its Freedom! You no longer choose to hold onto the heaviness, as you surrender it to your Heavenly Father. He wants to take each tear you cry and in exchange He will give you forgiveness, peace, comfort, joy, love, compassion, a restful sleep, and so much more.. He wants you to shed all your tears and gives them to Him. The Lord knows what each tear consists of. Give Him your tears so He can give you comfort as you walk the hard steps of your healing. Each tear you give to Him He collects and saves, this shows you ho much He cares. He will return these tears back to you one day as blessings; turning your aching heart into healing joy! Give Him your tears. Tears wash over and cleanse the pain giving your heart a fresh start and heal the hurt from deep within.

He is there to give you a peace in your spirit, healing in your heart, as the Holy Spirit refreshes your soul. The Lord begins to guide you through emotional healing from past trauma. God is in control & begins to fill your �� with Hope as you pour it out to Him.. As you rely on your Heavenly Father to go hand in hand with you on your eager and yet cautious healing journey. He makes all brand new. Take the first step by surrendering it All, and His loving hand gives you the Grace needed to travel along the path He puts before you. His hand is open, will you take the first step?��

The following is an excerpt from Brick By Brick Healing His Way A Devotional and Journal for Healing a Woman’s Heart. The devotion is titled, “Tears in a Bottle”. This book is a Women’s Healing Post Abortion Journey Book which allows emotional healing from past trauma, where finding forgiveness in abortion is all about finding forgiveness within God’s Grace.

Prayer: Father, put Your loving arms around me and help me dig deep inside to reconnect with you. i want to give you my pain in exchange for comfort and a journey of healing. Knowing You collect and save each of my tears shows me just how much You care. I know with confidence You will return them back to me one day. Turn my aching heart into healing joy.

Thought: “What will my tears, which Jesus will be putting into His bottle for me consist of?”

A Sharing Heart

A Sharing Heart

“They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…” Revelation 12:11a

Sharing your testimony is three-fold story. It is your heart being laid wide open and truth flowing out of the center of the root, the core coming out into the light, being set free for the first time. A close friend told me recently, our story is three-fold. As we talked, the Lord revealed important truths. It is Jesus’ blood that He already shed for us and thru His blood we have the Victory, we just have to take the risk and share our secret, be transparent with our brother/sister and learn how to walk in vulnerability. Being honest is what it is all about. When we share from our heart, it is freeing. We no longer are keeping our secret shoved deep inside, giving the enemy room to keep us bound. When we confess to one another our true selves and share our heart from deep inside where our hurt lies, our heart becomes lighter and we begin to walk in the freedom the Lord has for us. It is Jesus blood that gives us our victory. We just need to do what is necessary to claim it. Emotional healing from past trauma is not easy; yet finding forgiveness within God’s Grace and finding forgiveness in abortion is imperative. It is freeing and Healing His Way, Jesus’s way, is the only way in finding Self-Worth and becoming who God crested you to be.

The Word is, the Word of God and what is says about what Jesus came to do and the freedom He came to give us. It is about the forgiveness He gives us, the love He has for us and the purpose He has for our pain. We are not alone in this journey. Jesus walks this journey with us, guiding our steps and is ready to set us free. Our pain that we experienced is not in vain, it will be used for God’s glory. Though it is hard to see at the time while going through it, or thinking back to our past and having to relive it, so Jesus can begin to heal those places of hurt in our heart; know that our experiences will be used to help others heal and be shown how to walk their journey of healing also.

Their testimony is our story, our walk of healing, our journey to freedom, our claiming the victory that is waiting for us. It is us shedding hope to others that they too can begin to feel lighter in their heart, walk back to a painful past to walk forward to a fulfilled future; being used by our Heavenly Father to bring healing and hope to the helpless, to set the captives free that the enemy of their soul has kept bound. Our stories are all different, yet each one is significant in itself. Though we lived through it, survived the suffering, and have a wounded heart, God comes along and prepares our plans for a new beginning, a fresh start, a new life walking with Him in His presence. Though we may not be able to see the full plan Jesus has prepared for us, trust that He is walking this apprehensive, reluctant, perplexing journey with us and the Lord will be there to help keep us on the new path He has set before us. Walking in freedom with no chains from the past encompassing our heart, is for everyone. Jesus came to set the captives free, He came to heal the broken-hearted. Allow Him to dig deep and go into your heart where the ongoing agonizing pain your past is kept guarded, give Him your heart and feel the permanent peaceful healing He longs to give you. Share from your heart and reach for the victory. The Lord is waiting on you, are you ready to open up and share?

J.H.O.P DC with Maranatha Covert



JHOP, Justice House of Prayer, an Intercessory Prayer Ministry based in Washington, D.C. has two strategies: a prayer room for interceding and contending for government officials and persistent public intercession in front of the Supreme Court building. JHOP launched Bound 4LIFE, an international, chapter-based movement that advocates for the ending of abortion. The House of Prayer takes seriously the commission to pray for governmental leaders and the political causes at hand. JHOP’s main purpose is to see America return to righteous rule and to understand that the name of Jesus unlocks the real authority in our nation.
Maranatha Covert is one of the missionaries, an ordained pastor, and on staff full-time at JHOP.  She is over all of the communications for JHOP DC & Bound4Life. Maranatha is looking for people to come along side her and partner financially with her. This will enable her to continue the call the Lord has given and the mandate she has said “yes” to.  If you would like to give a one time gift, that would be truly appreciated. I am currently partnering with Maranatha by donating 10% of all book sales to help support her. If you would like to support her at any time, please click on the following link.
More Info on Justice House of Prayer: http://jhopdc.com/our-story/

A Waiting Heart

“Wait for the Lord; Be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm

“Wait for the Lord”! We hear these four words more often than we care to admit.  Why do I have to wait, didn’t the Lord give me a promise?  “I should be healed by now, I’ve been on this  Women’s Emotional Healing Post Abortion Journey Bible Study for over twelve weeks now.  I should be healed by now!  Why haven’t you healed me yet Lord?  Don’t you care about me and love me? Why all the waiting, I do not understand! ”

Do these words sound familiar? Sounds like a mini temper tantrum to me! Yet, you chuckle, because each of us can relate to those words. We have all had to wait for something in life, delay gratification is essential for growth and healing.  Living in the mix of this perplexed, demanding and selfish society, waiting is not received very well, yet so important.  When it comes to finding hope and healing in the midst of emotional healing from past trauma, there is hope in the atmosphere of waiting. Waiting is when we learn to draw closer to the Lord and it is when He beckons us to seek Him and hear His voice. Spend time with Him and yield to the Holy Spirit. Waiting is for us, part of God’s plan for our personal growth in all areas if life. Waiting gets us wondering.  God has a major purpose in our waiting season. This is a season where we  are to lean in and depend on the Lord while He prepares our hurting heart for the healing that will begin to transpire inside. The Lord loves us so much He designed a path specifically for us to follow. The decision to follow is all on us. There is freedom when the past hurt is surrendered to the Lord.  He teaches us how to live life with a  heart no longer filled with heaviness, hurt, anger, guilt and shame. All the while waiting we wonder if He loves us and if He’s forgotten about us. We feel the anxiety and see the untraveled road ahead of us to walk and we reluctantly move forward. Moving ahead and allowing the circumstances to teach and prepare us  for what is to come. This is when growth happens in the waiting period.  When we wait on the Lord and follow the steps He wants us to take on the unleveled and uncomfortable emotional healing from past trauma or post abortion healing, we will find that on the other side the road becomes smooth.  Waiting for God’s perfect timing, is to teach us a lesson, prepare our heart in finding self-worth, as He helps us to be transformed and perfects in us who He created us to be. 

  An orchid needs time to bloom and  is  very fragile and delicate.  As the flower grows, its roots search for food and water, needing a lot of bright and indirect light.  While waiting,  we need to allow God to bloom in our hearts . Spending time with Him so we can receive the spiritual nourishment needed to grow into His likeness. He’s equipping us deeper as more time is spent with Him.

Waiting, not a pleasant journey, for some discouraging. Yet, your “heart-a-tude” determines the journey! So, in that season of waiting, be productive and be open to what the Lord wants to do to prepare you.  Remember, delays are not denials. The Lord loves you and has not forgotten you. Delays are simply lessons we need to learn while waiting for the transformation to happen in our heart to produce emotional healing from past trauma while healing HIs way!

Yadeline’s Story

Your past never predicts your future.  Glory to God.  My name is Yadeline Franck, and I had an abortion when I was 18.  I grew up in the church and when I found out I was pregnant with the guy I loved, who said he loved me.  I thought for sure we could make this work, yet that love would not guarantee that it would not be difficult.  Having grown up in the church and my parents being in leadership, I had an image to live up to and a reputation to uphold.  I couldn’t bear to deal with the fear of what my family would say and the embarrassment and disgrace it would bring to my parents.  My boyfriend wasn’t mature and responsible which forced me to go somewhere so my secret would be safe.  I went to visit my brother and sister-in-law out of state.  In talking to them, they were supportive of whatever decision I made.  Out of fear and selfishness, I chose abortion.  Little did I know how that decision would affect me in years to come.

The Lord brought a very special man in my life who loved me for me, despite my past and all that I experienced.  We got married in 2002.  Throughout my marriage, I have dealt with depression, been suicidal, and tried to figure out where all these mixed emotions were coming from.  We have two beautiful daughters and on Saturday mornings they would see their mommy sleep the morning away not spending time with them.  Well, that all changed July of 2014.  The Lord delivered me from Depression during a revival on a Saturday night at my church and I have been healed ever since!  The next morning, my daughters had a mom who got up before them and made the family breakfast.  My husband had a new wife full of love and joy.  I was full of energy!  The days of sleeping Saturdays away were gone! Praise God, those emotions are no longer a part of my life and will never be in my future.

Keven Covert started a Post Abortion Healing class called Surrendering the Secret”, by Pat Layton at the church I attend and I went through the class in summer of 2014.  I went through the class for eight weeks and that was a life change for me.  Keven also wrote Brick By Brick Healing His Way a Devotional and Journal for Healing a Woman’s Heart and published it in 2015.  After going through the study and then reading the devotional, I went even further in my healing.  While reading Keven’s book Jesus healed layers and layers of my past.  I am now leading the “Surrendering the Secret” ministry at my church helping other ladies heal from their past abortions.  I now facilitate Brick By Brick, using Brick By Brick Workbook  at my church.  This is all for God’s glory and His grace.  I want to thank Mrs. Keven Covert for hearing and obeying God’s calling to reach others desperate for a future.  Romans 8:28




Barbara’s Story

My post-abortion healing journey began in 2012, when God placed me with Keven Covert in our first Bible Study of “Forgiven and Set Free, by Linda Cochrane.  For twenty-two years, I suffered from the guilt, shame, embarrassment, anguish, and regret for my husband’s and my decision to end our daughter’s life.  Plagued with years of depression, suicidal thoughts, and addictions, I cried out to God to supply me with a place of healing and restoration, and He more than answered my cry of desperation!

I became a Christian at the age of sixteen, but through the circumstances of the break-up with my fiancé and the development of cancer, I became very angry at God and chose to walk away from Him. My rebelliousness continued for ten years and led me to many dark places and foolish decisions with lasting consequences.  The most regrettable was the abortion of our daughter in 1990.  However, our God is faithful and what Satan had intended for evil, God turned it all around for good and for His glory and His purposes.  God used something so horrible to bring about the salvation of my husband, and my rededication to the Lord, and to further His ministry of post-abortion healing to other women like myself.

Finally, after twenty-two years of seemingly endless pain and anguish, God healed my broken heart and mind through the first post-abortion healing Bible study.  This spurred in me a passion for letting others know there are healing, forgiveness, and restoration after abortion.  Where was this after my abortion?  Why did it take me twenty-two years to be able to find the help that I so desperately wanted and needed?  Why do people in the church not know about this and why do they not speak about abortion and recovery from the effects of abortion?  For, there are many effects after abortion, but society and the medical community do not want to acknowledge them. Many women have signs of PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder also due to the trauma caused by their abortion.  The same symptoms a serviceman has when returning from combat.   The lies of “ it is not a baby, it is only a bunch of tissues/ after the abortion, you will be fine/ you will be able to have children after the abortion/ it is a quick and safe procedure/ after it’s over, you will go on with your life as though this never happened.”  These are all lies from the pit of hell, from the lips of Satan, the father of all lies!

It is my prayer and hopes that the church as a whole, will begin to acknowledge, address and support those women and men who are struggling with abortion in their past.  Unfortunately, there is still a stigma attached to the sin of abortion in the church.  Post-abortive women and men are made to feel as a second class citizen as if the sin of abortion is not covered by the blood of Jesus.  My prayer is for this thinking and attitude to be changed!  Jesus died on the cross for ALL sins; it does NOT say in the Bible “Jesus died for all sins except for abortion.”  NO, His death on the cross covers everything! 45% of women, who have had abortions, have been in the church at the time of their abortion.  Do you know how many are sitting in your congregation right now, suffering in silence because they are so scared of being judged, so embarrassed, so full of shame and regret and feeling as if there is no hope for them?  I was one of those women.  I don’t want anyone to have to continue in this type of tortured existence.

There is hope and there is freedom and it is only through Jesus Christ.  His blood covers the sin of abortion and knowing the truth will set you free.  If this seems like an unreachable dream, it is not; it is real and attainable.  Freedom, peace, and joy are waiting for you.  I will not lie to you; it is hard work, and you will have to visit some hard places and go back to the pain of the past, but God will be there each step of the way, for He will never leave you, nor forsake you!  He was there and continues to be here with each of us, for it is His desire to see you completely healed and restored, as He has a purpose for all of this!

I praise God for His love, mercy and grace poured out upon me, for His refining and shaping me, and to be able to be used by Him, for His purposes, and for His glory!  I thank Him so much for all of these lovely ladies that He has brought into my life and for the opportunity to serve Him with them in the development of this workbook to help you receive the healing, joy, and encouragement you are seeking.  Brick By Brick is a unique curriculum for the woman with an abortion in her past.  It is a one-on-one walk with Jesus and a soothing balm to your hurting and broken soul.  In this study, God ministers deeply, lovingly, and gently through the author’s words which were inspired by God.  May God bless you in this endeavor, and remember, He is beside you, walking with you, hand in hand.





Your Story is Healing

 “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…”  Revelation 12:11a

 Sharing your testimony is a three-fold story.  It is your heart being laid wide open and truth flowing out of the center of the root, the core coming out into the light, being set free for the first time.  As your voice is found and begins to be used for God’s glory for the Emotional Healing post abortion journey book He has you read,  and Bible Study you begin to find emotional healing from past trauma from as you  surrendered all to your Heavenly Father,  others will bein their healing too.  Your story brings hope and Healing to others, so they too can begin finding self-worth Healing His Way,

 A close friend told me recently, our story is three-fold. As we talked the Lord revealed important truths.  It is Jesus’ blood that He already shed for us and thru His blood we have the victory, we just have to take the risk and share our secret, be transparent with our brother and sister, and learn how to walk in vulnerability.  Being honest is what it is all about.  When we share from our heart, it is freeing. We no longer are keeping our secret shoved deep inside, giving the enemy room to keep us bound. When we confess to one another our true selves and share our heart from deep inside where our hurt lies, our heart becomes lighter and we begin to walk in the freedom the Lord has for us.  It is Jesus’ blood that gives us our victory.   We just need to do what is necessary to claim it. 

 The Word is, the Word of God and what is says about what Jesus came to do and the freedom He came to give us.  It is about the forgiveness He gives us, the love He has for us and the purpose He has for our pain. We are not alone in this journey.  Jesus walks this journey with us, guiding our steps and is waiting to set us free.  Our pain that we experienced is not in vain, it will be used for God’s glory.  Though it is hard to see at the time while going through it, or thinking back to our past and having to relive it, so Jesus can begin to heal those places of hurt in our heart; know that our experiences will be used to help others heal and be shown how they too can walk their Emotional Healing post abortion journey and receive healing for their aborted wounded heart.

 Their testimony means our story, our walk of healing, our Emotional healing journey to freedom, our claiming the victory that is waiting for us, is possible.  For with God all things are possible. It is us shedding hope to others that they too can begin to feel lighter in their heart, walk back to a painful past to walk forward to a fulfilled future; being  used by our Heavenly Father to bring healing and hope to the helpless, to set the captives free that the enemy of their soul has kept bound.  Our stories are all different, yet each one is significant in itself.  Though we lived through it, survived the suffering, and have a emotional wounded heart, full of Past Trauma. God comes along and prepares our plans for a new beginning, a fresh start, a new life walking with Him in His presence.  Though we may not be able to see the full plan Jesus has prepared for us, trust that He is walking the journey with us.  The Lord will be there to help keep us on the new path He has set before us.

  Walking in freedom with no chains from the past encompassing our heart is for everyone. Jesus came to set the captives free, He came to heal the broken-hearted.  Allow Him to dig deep into your calloused heart,  reaching to the core and pull the root out which caused all the pain.  This wont be easy, but pushing through the pain is needed to go claim your victory waiting for you.  Going to the depths of your heart where the pain of your past is kept guarded, is terrifying at moments. Yet, as each hidden issue is pulled out into the light is dealt with, more healing is taking place. Totally surrender  and give Him your heart and feel the compassion He cares for you with and the freeing hopeful heart He longs to give you. Share from your heart and reach for the victory.  The Lord is waiting on you, are you ready to open up and share? Open up” Brick By Brick Healing His Way”, which is a Woman’s  Healing Post Abortion Journey Book to help heal the abortion wounded heart, and a variety of issues we as women who need emotional healing from past trauma need to work on. It is a Healing Devotional and Healing Book. I can be used as a post abortion Bible Study also along with the Workbook for Post abortion healing.  God’s waiting, are you willing?





Dena’s Story

I had never gone through any type of post-abortion healing until I read Brick By Brick Healing His Way a Devotional and Journal for Healing aWoman’s Heart, It is a Woman’s Healing Post Abortion Journey Book. I was able to really accept God’s forgiveness for the abortions & I felt as if this book was meant for me at that very moment. It was God saying, “Now let’s get serious and really place your pain in My hands, leave it at the cross, and then we can heal your heart.”

I learned as I was reading the book I did a lot of crying and remembering, leaving what I remembered at the cross, to bear no more anguish, to bear no more sins, surrendering all my hurt and pain; God helped me heal.  I then experienced taking His forgiveness and being enveloped by the Holy Spirit.  I felt the Holy Spirit comforting.  It was as if He were holding me and comforting as my tears were falling.  During those times you are healing and God is ever present.  In those times it felt as if weights were removed from my chest and I could breathe in life and love…new life.  The overwhelming presence of God was there the words were powerful and it changed my heart for forever.

We all face trials and these are trials I had to face, that without Keven C Covert’s book, Brick By Brick Healing His Way, I could have sent me into a bad direction again.  Instead, I was led to the cross and laid it all down was God’s plan for me all along.  God was waiting for another opportunity when He knew I would be obedient to choose the clear path…the path is clear, but the roadblocks are huge.  God bless you Keven for the Father to allow you to really listen to His voice. You did listen when you wrote Brick By Brick, and I will forward the book to many as will others do the same.  This can be used as a Post Abortion Bible Study using the Workbook for Post Abortion Healing.

This book along with many others you write will hit the shelf and be bought, restocked, bought and restocked.  God is on our side, we are royalty.

I no longer have a heart of stone.  Thank you for writing this book.  God bless you.