A Reminiscent Heart

A Reminiscent Heart
“Be careful not to forget the Lord, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.” Deuteronomy 6:12
Look back over your healing journey with the Lord, is it what you expected it to be? Maybe your heart healing journey just began and the road ahead is one of overwhelming uncertainty and apprehension. Or, maybe your journey has been heart wrenching and distressed.  As you travel down the healing path of a wounded heart no turn is smooth, many challenges are ahead. It’s a winding road full of vulnerability and surprises, both with the  exhilarating steep hills of reaching to the root of an issue, only to find around the corner a deep dive into the valley. In each turn are mixed emotions, even times where we want to put on the brakes and say, “I’m Done! No more feeling, I’d rather stay numb!”   Did you feel the  Father’s secure arms holding you when you felt like giving up, hearing Holy Spirit’s still small voice of encouragement not to give up? Were you able to see His hand upon your circumstances creating a way when there seemed no other way? 
The Lord has a purpose for all He allows in our life. We may not understand why, because His ways are not our ways. Healing His Way is not something we would choose for ourselves.  His ways confound those of us who think we are wise. He knows what we need to go through to find hope and emotional healing from past trauma.  Many of us who are on a Women’s emotional healing post abortion journey have made many turns to get to where we are in our healing.  Not one turn has been easy is the natural.  Jesus is the only reason we have gotten as far as we have. He is walking every step of this heart healing journey we are on.  Remember who brought you out of “your Egypt” and the life of bondage. The bondage of lies we believed we were because of the circumstances we found ourselves in. He saw our struggles and felt our pain; He sees our successes and feels our peace. He knows the road we are traveling and knows what is coming ahead before we ever see it. He is all knowing.
 Don’t look back and regret. We need back to see how far we have traveled, What did the Lord do to help us grow stronger in Him and become totally dependent on Him? Look forward to what is ahead. We may not know what is around the corner, yet our Lord does.  He’s with us as we totally surrender and trust Him to walk with us once again, on a new journey of growth.