A Waiting Heart

“Wait for the Lord; Be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm

“Wait for the Lord”! We hear these four words more often than we care to admit.  Why do I have to wait, didn’t the Lord give me a promise?  “I should be healed by now, I’ve been on this  Women’s Emotional Healing Post Abortion Journey Bible Study for over twelve weeks now.  I should be healed by now!  Why haven’t you healed me yet Lord?  Don’t you care about me and love me? Why all the waiting, I do not understand! ”

Do these words sound familiar? Sounds like a mini temper tantrum to me! Yet, you chuckle, because each of us can relate to those words. We have all had to wait for something in life, delay gratification is essential for growth and healing.  Living in the mix of this perplexed, demanding and selfish society, waiting is not received very well, yet so important.  When it comes to finding hope and healing in the midst of emotional healing from past trauma, there is hope in the atmosphere of waiting. Waiting is when we learn to draw closer to the Lord and it is when He beckons us to seek Him and hear His voice. Spend time with Him and yield to the Holy Spirit. Waiting is for us, part of God’s plan for our personal growth in all areas if life. Waiting gets us wondering.  God has a major purpose in our waiting season. This is a season where we  are to lean in and depend on the Lord while He prepares our hurting heart for the healing that will begin to transpire inside. The Lord loves us so much He designed a path specifically for us to follow. The decision to follow is all on us. There is freedom when the past hurt is surrendered to the Lord.  He teaches us how to live life with a  heart no longer filled with heaviness, hurt, anger, guilt and shame. All the while waiting we wonder if He loves us and if He’s forgotten about us. We feel the anxiety and see the untraveled road ahead of us to walk and we reluctantly move forward. Moving ahead and allowing the circumstances to teach and prepare us  for what is to come. This is when growth happens in the waiting period.  When we wait on the Lord and follow the steps He wants us to take on the unleveled and uncomfortable emotional healing from past trauma or post abortion healing, we will find that on the other side the road becomes smooth.  Waiting for God’s perfect timing, is to teach us a lesson, prepare our heart in finding self-worth, as He helps us to be transformed and perfects in us who He created us to be. 

  An orchid needs time to bloom and  is  very fragile and delicate.  As the flower grows, its roots search for food and water, needing a lot of bright and indirect light.  While waiting,  we need to allow God to bloom in our hearts . Spending time with Him so we can receive the spiritual nourishment needed to grow into His likeness. He’s equipping us deeper as more time is spent with Him.

Waiting, not a pleasant journey, for some discouraging. Yet, your “heart-a-tude” determines the journey! So, in that season of waiting, be productive and be open to what the Lord wants to do to prepare you.  Remember, delays are not denials. The Lord loves you and has not forgotten you. Delays are simply lessons we need to learn while waiting for the transformation to happen in our heart to produce emotional healing from past trauma while healing HIs way!