“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet”. John 13:14
Have you ever allowed someone to wash your feet clean and to perfection? If you are a woman reading this you have when you’ve gone for a pedicure! Sometimes your feet need extra attention because you have neglected them. You can’t believe you let it go this long. Yet when it’s all over, you walk away feeling lighter, refreshed and brand new.
Compare washing feet with what your Savior does for you. All of us come to Jesus broken with wounded hearts, trying to act like everything is okay. Yet our hearts are hurting and need Jesus’ cleansing blood to wash over us and begin to heal us. Many times He puts others in our path to begin to help us heal. We are Jesus’ hands and feet, His mouthpiece to serve others and meet them where they are. Are you willing to humble yourself and go where few want to go; to be a light in someone’s heart as The Great Healer uses you to serve and help others? Going to the messy, painful places with someone and walking this journey with them is not an easy task. Yet, the Lord will guide your steps and keep you humble along the way. In the end, the transformation of one’s heart is worth all you endured along the path.